Deciding to buy

In the current Real Estate market, many are asking themselves if it is the right or wrong time to purchase property.  There is never a wrong time to buy.  The key is finding the right buy for you, and taking the time to fully evaluate the financial commitment in buying.

Hire your agent

There are many financial advantages in purchasing property.  It is a great investment that can deliver several financial benefits such as value appreciation and tax shelter benefits.  An experienced Real Estate professional will be able to assist you with the following:

  • Understand the current conditions of the market
  • Will sit with you and analyze your needs
  • Has relationships with other professionals to assist you through the process
  • Guide you to a home that fits your criteria and budget
  • Negotiate on your behalf to get the best deal possible
  • Check and double-check all of the paperwork and ensure all deadlines are met
  • Be your personal advisor and suggest solutions to any problems that may arise

Obtaining financing

The financial process is crucial to the buying process.  We have partnerships with financial consultants that will be able to provide you with an accurate picture of the costs involved in purchasing property.  They will review your current financials and many different options for you to choose from.  They will guide you through the process and provide a clear understanding of the interest rates, loan terms and price point that is best suited for you.

Finding your home

You have found your trusted agent, and now you are ready to begin your search.  There are many different home options and your agent will guide you through process of finding a property that pinpoints your criteria.  In order to do so, we need to obtain the following information:

  • How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you require?
  • Do you have a preference of city or town?
  • What factors are must-haves such as size, location, number of bedrooms?
  • Are you interested in a fixer-upper?
  • What amenities are important for you?

Make an offer

You have found a home you love!  Deciding on a price point is one of the most crucial decisions you make during this process.  Understanding that purchasing is an emotional process and not allowing your emotions to get the best of you is exceedingly important during this time.  We will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

  • Market analysis - find out what comparable properties have sold for in the area to assist you in making an educated decision on the price.
  • The agent is able to give you insight on the improvements made to the home to help you determine its market value.
  • We will provide you with the knowledge of any pending repairs that need to be completed based on inspections. This process is important in ensuring that you are not hit with unexpected repairs after closing.


Once your offer has been accepted you are in the home-stretch!  In order to ensure you don't put the contract at risk, we will be in touch with you step-by-step in order to meet all deadlines set forth in the contract.  The loan approval process is contingent on the credit report that was pulled at the time of approval.  Therefore, staying in control of your credit and finances is key.  Don't make any large purchases during this time.  Communication is key during this process and we are here to assist you.

Welcome to OWNERSHIP

Congratulations!! The process has been completed and you have the keys to your new property! Protecting your investment for years to come is the focus now.  Understanding the routine maintenance for your property will assist you in avoiding major problems in the future.  Whether you are an experienced investor or a first time home buyer we are able to provide knowledge to assist you with this plan.  The sale is complete, but our relationship will continue!